French Weekly, Week 3

Note: many of these words have further meanings; these are just the meanings of them that I learned at the time!

l’abreuvoir = drinking trough (like for horses)

ardoise = slate (ex: the building material)

donjon = keep of a castle

meneau = structural element that divides bays of a window or door (ex: fenêtre à meneau)

calcaire = limestone

la frime = showing off; frimeur = show-off

être pompette = to be tipsy (familier)

shlag/schlag/schlague = n. a drunkard, a vagrant, a buffoon; adj. dirty, drunk, unkempt (argot)

tourniquet = turnstile

le vol à la tire = pickpocketing

MST = Maladie Sexuellement Transmissible = Sexually Transmitted Disease = STD

grievois = bawdy, salacious

vieillot = old, old-fashioned

One comment on “French Weekly, Week 3

  1. Diane says:

    Hopefully you won’t have the opportunity to use “la vol à la tire”! 😉

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